

1. What is Dashbuilder

Dashbuilder is a tool for creating dashboards and data visualizations for developers and non-technical users. Dashboards can be created using pure YAML or you can reuse some of the existing dashboards to monitor your service or application.

Figure 1. Sample Dashbuilder Report

2. Concepts

In this section we explore the concepts used by Dashbuilder.

2.1. Pages

Pages is where the data visualization lives. It follows a grid approach for organizing the visualization which means that it is organized in rows, columns and components; columns can have their own rows and columns. It is also possible to modify the CSS properties of each page part.

2.2. Navigation

Navigation is an optional component and it is about the relationship between pages. When you have more than one page then a menu is displayed with all pages, you can organize this menu. Furthermore, navigation is the key for embedding pages inside each other.

2.3. Datasets

DataSets are the source of your data. It can come from any JSON/CSV accessible file or you can declare it inline for a static dataset.

More than loading from a source of data, dashbuilder datasets can be cached and later be spliced, filtered, ordered and grouped for a specific visualization.

2.4. Components

Components are the front ends for static content, data visualization or a navigation component:

  • Static components are used for visualization that does not require a dataset. Examples are HTML and forms.

  • Data Visualization components are offered natively by dashbuilder and they can be charts, filters or text that shows some aggregate information from the dataset.

    • Supported charts are bar, area, line, pie, donut and map.

Some of native dashbuilder components
Figure 2. Some of native dashbuilder components
  • Filters can be presented as labels or a drop down selector

Filter components
Figure 3. Filter Components
  • The metric component uses HTML and JS templates to show a grouped dataset information

Metric components
Figure 4. Metric Components
These components offer multiple options, such as auto refresh, title, margin and others.
  • Navigation components allow you to embed other pages using different ways: Tabs, carousel, tiles, menu and tree navigation.

Navigation components
Figure 5. Navigation Components

2.5. External Components

External components are like components, but the code used to build it will run in an isolated container (currently an iframe). It means that with external components it is possible to use any web technology to represent a dataset, users just know how to use the external components Javascript API.

External Components development
Figure 6. External Components Development

3. Authoring Dashboards

3.1. YAML and JSON

Dashboards are created using YAML format where you declare datasets, pages and its blocks of visualization. Dashboards created with YAML run in client-only Dashbuilder installation accessing JSON/CSV datasets.

To get start with YAML check out the YAML Guide in this documentation and our online samples.

The code from the YAML Guide can be tried on our online editor!

3.2. Tooling

To create your dashboards you can use our online editor or the VSCode editor extension.

Dashbuilder YAML Authoring
Figure 7. Dashbuilder YAML Editor

4. Deployment

Deploying dashboards for Dashbuilder is achieved by simply copying its static content to a web server or you can embed it in your application using an iframe.

4.1. Using Dashbuilder Web Application

Dashbuilder static content is published on NPM package @kie-tools/dashbuilder-client. You can add it a dependency for your project and then copy the static content to your application.

For example, the following package.json will include Dashbuilder bits when using npm run build and allow users to run dashbuilder locally using npm run server

  "name": "dashbuilder-webapp",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "description": "Dashbuilder WebApp",
  "scripts": {
    "bootstrap": "npm install",
    "clean": "rm -rf dist/",
    "copy:dashbuilder": "cp -r node_modules/@kie-tools/dashbuilder-client/dist/* dist/",
    "copy:sources": "cp -r static/* dist",
    "build": "npm run clean && mkdir dist/ && npm run copy:dashbuilder && npm run copy:sources",
    "server": "npm run build && cd dist && http-server -p 8000"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@kie-tools/dashbuilder-client": "^0.28.0",
    "http-server": "^14.1.1"

In the directory static you should place your dashboards and the configuration file setup.js.

4.2. Configuration

In Dashbuilder webapp root directory there’s a javaScript file setup.js where users can configure the list of dashboards, the mode (development or client) and samples.

dashbuilder = {
		  // possible modes are EDITOR and CLIENT - if dashboards is set then CLIENT mode is assumed
		  mode: "CLIENT",
		  // The list of client dashboards - if CLIENT mode is used and no list is provided, than the dashboard "dashboard.yml" will be attempted to load. If no dashboard is found, then client opens for upload.
		  // The dashboard can also be an URL
		  dashboards: [ "dashboard1.yaml", "dashboard2.json"],

		  // base path to look for dashboards. Default is /
		  path: "/path",

		  // if true, then model from external urls will be allowed
		  allowExternal: true,

		  // A base URL for the samples repository
		  // if set then dashbuilder tries to retrieve samples.json from root dir and load samples from the provided URL
		  samplesUrl: "/samples",

		  // An URL to resolve sample path on disk. It will receive a GET request with a query parameter called "sampleId"
		  samplesEditService: "edit",

		  // If true then samples is used as the default page when no model is selected
		  samplesDefaultHome: true

4.3. Cloud Deployment

From the online editor you can deploy your dashboards to Openshift. This is explained on our blog.

Users can also create a custom image to use with Dashbuilder static content.

4.4. Loading content dinamically

Dashbuilder can run as an editor by simply setting the mode as EDITOR, then you can send content to be rendered using a global Javascript function setDashbuilderContent or use window.postMessage to the iframe where Dashbuilder is running. Here’s a sample Javascript code:

// flag to indicate that dashbuilder is ready for content;
var ready = false;
window.addEventListener("message", (e) => {
  if (e.data === "ready") {
    ready = true;

// Updates dashbuilder with the content (only if it is ready)
const send = () => {
    if (ready) {
        document.getElementById("dbFrame").contentWindow.postMessage(ymlContent, null);

5. Dashbuilder YAML Guide

This is a guide for creating dashboards and visualizations with YAML. You can run all examples with Dashbuilder YAML Online Editor.

5.1. Pages

A dashbuilder YML file should contain at least one page, hence this is the smallest YML that you can create (it renders a white page):

    - name: Hello

A page can contain rows, columns and finally components. A page with a single row and column can have the rows and columns omitted. Here’s a page with a single component, which renders the text Hello:

    - components:
        - html: Hello

It is required to declare rows and columns for a more complex layout. Here’s a page with two text in separated columns:

    - rows:
        - columns:
            - span: 6
                - html: Row 1 Column 1
            - span: 6
                - html: Row 1 Column 2
        - columns:
            - span: 6
                - html: Row 2 Column 1
            - span: 6
                - html: Row 2 Column 2

The YML renders to:

Page Layout
Figure 8. Page Layout

The page, rows, columns and components can have properties, including some CSS properties, such as width/height, background color, color and more.

    - rows:
        - properties:
            background-color: darkgray
            - span: 6
                color: white
                - html: Row 1 Column 1
            - span: 6
                color: lightblue
                - html: Row 1 Column 2

A column can also have rows with components, this is useful for more complex layouts:

    - rows:
        - columns:
            - span: 2
                - columns:
                    - components:
                        - html: R1CL1R1
                - columns:
                    - components:
                        - html: R1CL1R2
            - span: 2
                - columns:
                    - components:
                        - html: R2CL1R1
                - columns:
                    - components:
                        - html: R2CL1R2
            - span: 2
                - html: R2CL1R1
Page Complex Layout
Figure 9. Page Complex Layout

5.2. Datasets

There’s a section for datasets where you declare your source of data. Dashbuilder supports multiple datasets types, but in this document we only cover JSON datasets, which does not require a backend. JSON datasets can have as a source any JSON array with a reachable URL, so the simplest dataset declaration requires the uuid and the url.

- uuid: mydataset
  url: /datasets/population.json
- name: DataSet sample

It is possible to declare inline JSON for testing and prototyping purposes:

- uuid: mydataset
  content: >-
              ["William", 33],
              ["Luanda", 32],
              ["Anton", 6]
- name: DataSet sample

With a pure JSON array Dashbuilder will try to find the column type and give it a generic ID (Column X). You can override Dashbuilder’s default settings using columns:

- uuid: mydataset
  content: >-
              ["William", 33],
              ["Luanda", 32],
              ["Anton", 6]
    - id: Name
    - id: Age
      type: NUMBER
- name: DataSet sample

The column must have a type which can be LABEL, TEXT, NUMBER or DATE. If no type is provided, then LABEL is used.

In most of the cases, the JSON format is not an array. For these cases it is possible to use the powerful transformation language JSONata to transform a dataset using the expression attribute. In the following example the array of objects is transformed into a JSON array:

- uuid: mydataset
  expression: $.participants.[name, age]
  content: >-
              "participants": [
                {"name": "William", "age": 33},
                {"name": "Luanda", "age": 32},
                {"name": "Anton", "age": 6}
- name: DataSet sample

It is possible to use caching for non real time datasets. The cache expiration can be configured using refreshTime, otherwise the case is only invalidated when the YML runs again. Here’s an example of a dataset cached for 30 seconds:

- uuid: mydataset
  content: >-
              ["William", 33],
              ["Luanda", 32],
              ["Anton", 6]
  cacheEnabled: 'true'
  refreshTime: '30second'
- name: DataSet sample

Datasets can have the following fields:

  • Accumulate: It is a new dataset field. When it’s true, Dashbuilder keeps the data on memory on each refresh. It can be limited by maxCacheRows.

  • MaxCacheRows: It determines the number of rows kept in memory when using cache or accumulate. The default value of this field is set to 1000.

  • Headers: A map that is used to set headers that will be sent on the dataset HTTP request.

  • Query A map with query parameters added to the dataset URL

  • Path A path that is used on the dataset URL

5.3. Datasets lookup

To display a dataset Dashbuilder uses the concept of lookup. Imagine the dataset as a pie and lookups as a piece of the pie. With lookup it is possible to select which part of a dataset will be displayed. The lookup is part of a special component called displayer, which is covered later on this guide. For now, consider only the table displayer. The simplest use of a lookup is by simply providing the dataset uuid:

- uuid: mydataset
  content: >-
              ["William", 33],
              ["Luanda", 32],
              ["Anton", 6]
    - id: Name
    - id: Age
      type: NUMBER
- components:
    - displayer:
            uuid: mydataset
Basic Lookup
Figure 10. Basic Lookup

With the lookup it is possible to define the number of rows and the row offset of a dataset:

- uuid: mydataset
  content: >-
              ["William", 33],
              ["Luanda", 32],
              ["Anton", 6]
    - id: Name
    - id: Age
      type: Number
- components:
    - displayer:
            uuid: mydataset
            rowCount: 1
            rowOffset: 2

The field order can be used to order the dataset based on a column. It is required to provide the column id and the sort order (ASCENDING or DESCENDING):

- uuid: mydataset
  content: >-
              ["William", 33],
              ["Luanda", 32],
              ["Anton", 6]
    - id: Name
    - id: Age
      type: Number
- components:
    - displayer:
            uuid: mydataset
                - column: Age
                  sortOrder: ASCENDING
Lookup with order
Figure 11. Dataset Lookup with order

A powerful dataset lookup feature is filtering. To use this capability it is necessary to provide the column, the filter function and the args for the filter. The supported functions are (in parentheses is the number of required parameters):

  • IS_NULL(0)

  • NOT_NULL(0)

  • EQUALS_TO(1)


  • LIKE_TO(2)





  • BETWEEN(2)


  • IN(1)

  • NOT_IN(1)

The filters TIME_FRAME and IN are applied only for DATE columns and LIKE_TO is only for TEXT or LABEL columns.

Here’s a GREATER_TO sample:

- uuid: mydataset
  content: >-
              ["William", 33],
              ["Luanda", 32],
              ["Anton", 6]
    - id: Name
    - id: Age
      type: NUMBER
- components:
    - displayer:
            uuid: mydataset
                - column: Age
                  function: GREATER_THAN
                    - 10
Lookup with filter
Figure 12. Dataset Lookup with filter

Filters can be combined using the AND logical condition, but it is possible to use logical operators AND/OR and NOT to combine filters:

- uuid: mydataset
  content: >-
              ["William", 33],
              ["Luanda", 32],
              ["Anton", 6]
    - id: Name
    - id: Age
      type: NUMBER
- components:
    - displayer:
            uuid: mydataset
                - function: OR
                    - column: Name
                      function: LIKE_TO
                        - "L%"
                    - column: Age
                      function: LOWER_THAN
                        - 10
Lookup with combined filter
Figure 13. Dataset Lookup with combined filter

Dataset lookups also allow grouping. The group section is where the column group and the group functions are provided. The columnGroup is used to specify the grouping column and the “groupFunctions” is used to specify the group function for each selected column. In the example below the dataset lookup sums the number of products per section:

- uuid: products
  content: >-
              ["Computers", "Scanner", 5],
              ["Computers", "Printer", 7],
              ["Computers", "Laptop", 3],
              ["Electronics", "Camera", 10],
              ["Electronics", "Headphones", 5]
    - id: Section
    - id: Name
    - id: Quantity
      type: NUMBER
- components:
    - displayer:
            uuid: products
                - columnGroup:
                    source: Section
                    - source: Section
                    - source: Quantity
                      function: SUM
                      column: Total Products
Lookup with group
Figure 14. Dataset Lookup with group

The supported group functions are SUM, MAX, MIN , AVERAGE and MEDIAN for numbers. For label columns the supported functions are DISTINCT, COUNT, JOIN, JOIN_COMMA and JOIN_HYPHEN. By default it uses the column name itself, it is also possible to give another name to the grouped column. If a column is not specific in columnGroup, but used with other columns in columnFunctions, then the error Error during dataset lookup: No aggregation function specified for the column is displayed.

Here’s a summary of all supported group functions:

  • MEDIAN: A group function for number columns and it calculates the median value.

  • JOIN: It joins text/label columns using space.

  • JOIN_COMMA: It is same as JOIN but uses a comma.

  • JOIN_HYPHEN: It is same as JOIN but uses a hyphen.

However, it is possible to omit the column group section and use no function for columns under columnGroup, this way the columns will just be passed to the displayer

- uuid: products
  content: >-
              ["Computers", "Scanner", 5],
              ["Computers", "Printer", 7],
              ["Computers", "Laptop", 3],
              ["Electronics", "Camera", 10],
              ["Electronics", "Headphones", 5]
    - id: Section
    - id: Name
    - id: Quantity
      type: NUMBER
- components:
    - displayer:
            uuid: products
                - functions:
                    - source: Name
                    - source: Quantity

5.4. Displayers

Displayers are visual components that can show data. Dashbuilder supports by default all the popular charts types, tables, metrics with customized structure and style, data selectors to filter the whole visualization and finally external displayers, which are custom applications used to display data.

Dashbuilder consider as displayer every component with a settings, so when the settings is declared then the type must be declared as well (we can also use displayer instead of settings):

- uuid: products
  content: >-
              ["Computers", "Scanner", 5],
              ["Computers", "Printer", 7],
              ["Computers", "Laptop", 3],
              ["Electronics", "Camera", 10],
              ["Electronics", "Headphones", 5]
    - id: Section
    - id: Name
    - id: Quantity
      type: NUMBER
- components:
    - displayer:
            uuid: products

User data filtering

All displayers can filter itself and filter others using filter capabilities. This is done using the “filter” attribute, the filter must be enabled and components that will be filtered must have notification on. Components can filter itself, here’s a table filtering itself:

- uuid: products
  content: >-
              ["Computers", "Scanner", 5],
              ["Computers", "Printer", 7],
              ["Computers", "Laptop", 3],
              ["Electronics", "Camera", 10],
              ["Electronics", "Headphones", 5]
- components:
    - displayer:
            selfapply: true
            uuid: products
Displayer with self filtering
Figure 15. Displayer with self filtering

To filter other components notification must be true and other components receiving the filter should have listening as true. Here’s a table filtering each other:

- uuid: products
  content: >-
              ["Computers", "Scanner", 5],
              ["Computers", "Printer", 7],
              ["Computers", "Laptop", 3],
              ["Electronics", "Camera", 10],
              ["Electronics", "Headphones", 5]
- components:
    - displayer:
            notification: true
            uuid: products
    - displayer:
          listening: true
          uuid: products
Displayer with filter notification
Figure 16. Displayer with filter notification

Refreshing data

It is possible to constantly refresh a Displayer with data. In this case just declare a refresh with interval and the dataset will be retrieved each X seconds.

- uuid: products
  content: >-
              ["Computers", "Scanner", 5],
              ["Computers", "Printer", 7],
              ["Computers", "Laptop", 3],
              ["Electronics", "Camera", 10],
              ["Electronics", "Headphones", 5]
- components:
    - displayer:
          interval: 30
          uuid: products
Bear in mind that smaller refresh intervals in multiple Displayers will impact the visualization performance.

Columns formatting

Displayers individually support dataset columns formatting. The field “columns” accept an array of columns where the id is provided, with it it is possible to change the column name, apply a number pattern and use Javascript to transform the column value. In the following example the column 0 is transformed to be upper case and the number column is formatted to use no decimal places

- uuid: products
  content: >-
              ["Computers", "Scanner", 5],
              ["Computers", "Printer", 7],
              ["Computers", "Laptop", 3],
              ["Electronics", "Camera", 10],
              ["Electronics", "Headphones", 5]
- components:
    - displayer:
          - id: Column 0
            name: Section
            expression: value.toUpperCase()
          - id: Column 1
            name: Product
          - id: Column 2
            name: Quantity
            pattern: '#'
          uuid: products
Displayer with conlumns configuration
Figure 17. Displayer with columns configurations

Table Settings

When using the table displayer there are specific settings that can be used:

  • pageSize: the quantity of items displayed per page;

Here’s an example of these two properties:

- uuid: products
  content: >-
              ["Computers", "Scanner", 5],
              ["Computers", "Printer", 7],
              ["Computers", "Laptop", 3],
              ["Electronics", "Camera", 10],
              ["Electronics", "Headphones", 5]
- components:
    - displayer:
            pageSize: 3
            uuid: products

Displayers have the following fields:

  • PNG export: the field png under export will allow users to export the displayer to PNG.

  • extraConfiguration: A top level displayer additional configuration sent to the renderer. It varies according to the renderer. For example, the echarts option can be used sent in json format using this field.

  • subTitle: A subtitle for the chart. It goes under general object.

  • allowEdit: Under general object and allow users to modify data displayed on the chart.

5.5. Using Charts

In Dashbuilder the following charts are supported:

  • BARCHART: with subtypes COLUMN (default) and BAR. It is also possible to use STACKED (COLUMN_STACKED and BAR_STACKED)

  • LINECHART: with subtypes LINE (default) and SMOOTH

  • AREACHART: with subtypes AREA (default) and AREA_STACKED

  • PIECHART: with subtypes PIE (default) and DONUT

All these types support one column for categories (X axis) and at least one column for Y axis. If this is respected, then simply changing the type will change the visualization. In other words, the following YAML will render a BARCHART:

- uuid: products
  content: >-
              ["Computers", "Scanner", 5, 3],
              ["Computers", "Printer", 7, 4],
              ["Computers", "Laptop", 3, 2],
              ["Electronics", "Camera", 10, 7],
              ["Electronics", "Headphones", 5, 9]
    - id: Section
    - id: Product
    - id: Quantity
      type: NUMBER
- components:
    - displayer:
        type: BARCHART
            uuid: products
                - columnGroup:
                    source: Product
                    - source: Product
                    - source: Quantity
                      function: SUM
                    - source: Column 3
                      function: SUM
Bar Chart
Figure 18. Bar Chart

Then simply adding the subtype property with value COLUMN_STACKED it renders the following chart:

Stacked Bar Chart
Figure 19. Stacked Bar Chart

A line chart is simply a matter of changing the type to LINE:

- uuid: products
  content: >-
              ["Computers", "Scanner", 5, 3],
              ["Computers", "Printer", 7, 4],
              ["Computers", "Laptop", 3, 2],
              ["Electronics", "Camera", 10, 7],
              ["Electronics", "Headphones", 5, 9]
    - id: Section
    - id: Product
    - id: Quantity
      type: NUMBER
- components:
    - displayer:
        type: LINECHART
        subtype: SMOOTH
            uuid: products
                - columnGroup:
                    source: Product
                    - source: Product
                    - source: Quantity
                      function: SUM
                    - source: Column 3
                      function: SUM

The same configuration could be used with AREACHART, and PIECHART (only the first column is used for the pie values).

Chart Axis configuration

It is possible to configure charts X/Y axis using the axis configuration.

Under the axis object there are two properties, x and y. Here are the supported attributes:

  • labels_show: When true the labels will be displayed.

  • title: A title for the axis.

  • labels_angle: The label’s angle. Only works for the X axis.

Chart General Settings

All charts and most of the displayers support chart general settings. These settings are part of the chart attribute:

  • width: A number with the chart fixed width. It is not a CSS property;

  • height: A number with the chart fixed height. It is not a CSS property;

  • resizable: A boolean property that indicates that the chart should auto resize according to the screen resolution. This is the only chart property that is supported by the Table displayer;

  • bgColor: The chart background color

  • margin: An object that configures the chart margin, it has the attributes left, top, bottom and right. It is not a CSS property;

  • legend: An object that configures the chart legend. It has the attributes show, when true the legend is displayed, and position, possible values are: IN, RIGHT and BOTTOM.

  • grid: An object to show/hide the grid, it has the boolean attributes x and y;

  • zoom: When true will enable zoom on charts;

  • general: In attribute general it is possible to set a title. The title will not be displayed, for this it is required to set the attribute show as true;

Here’s an example using chart properties:

- uuid: products
  content: >-
              ["Computers", "Printer", 7, 4],
              ["Computers", "Laptop", 3, 2],
              ["Electronics", "Camera", 10, 7],
              ["Electronics", "Headphones", 5, 9]
    - id: Section
    - id: Product
    - id: Quantity1
      type: NUMBER
    - id: Quantity2
      type: NUMBER
- components:
    - displayer:
        type: BARCHART
            bgColor: DEDEDE
            width: 800
            height: 400
            zoom: true
                right: 50
                top: 50
                show: true
                position: bottom
                x: false
                y: false
            uuid: products
            - columnGroup:
                source: Product
                - source: Product
                - source: Quantity1
                  function: SUM
                - source: Quantity2
                  function: SUM
Chart Configuration
Figure 20. Bar Chart Configuration

5.6. Selectors

Selector is a special displayer type used to filter the visualization. It has 3 subtytpes:

  • SELECTOR_LABELS: Shows the values in selectable labels;

  • SELECTOR_DROPDOWN: Shows the values in a dropdown;

  • The default subtype is a select

Filter must be enabled, otherwise selectors will not work.

Here’s an example of labels selector:

- uuid: products
  content: >-
              ["Computers", "Printer", 7, 4],
              ["Computers", "Laptop", 3, 2],
              ["Electronics", "Camera", 10, 7],
              ["Electronics", "Headphones", 5, 9]
    - id: Section
    - id: Product
    - id: Quantity1
      type: NUMBER
    - id: Quantity2
      type: NUMBER
- components:
    - displayer:
        type: BARCHART
            listening: true
            uuid: products
            - columnGroup:
                source: Product
                - source: Product
                - source: Quantity1
                  function: SUM
                - source: Quantity2
                  function: SUM
    - displayer:
        type: SELECTOR
        subtype: SELECTOR_LABELS
            multiple: true
            notification: true
            uuid: products
            - columnGroup:
                source: Section
                - source: Section
Labels Selector
Figure 21. Labels Selector

5.7. Metrics

The metric component is a piece of HTML capable of showing a single value. It is possible to customize the HTML, but by default the value is displayed in a card:

- uuid: products
  content: >-
              ["Printer", 7],
              ["Laptop", 3],
              ["Camera", 10],
              ["Headphones", 5]
    - id: Product
    - id: Quantity
      type: NUMBER
- components:
    - displayer:
        type: METRIC
            height: 100
            width: 150
            title: Total Products
            uuid: products
            - functions:
                - source: Quantity
                  function: SUM
Default Metrics
Figure 22. Default Metrics

The HTML can be customized using the object html with the field html and javascript for javascript. Inside the HTML the variable ${value} contains the value resulted from the dataset lookup and to refer to elements in javascript give the element the id ${this} and refer to it in the javascript code. Be responsible for the javascript code used in the YAML! Here’s a basic example:

- uuid: products
  content: >-
              ["Printer", 7],
              ["Laptop", 3],
              ["Camera", 10],
              ["Headphones", 5]
    - id: Product
    - id: Quantity
      type: NUMBER
- components:
    - displayer:
        type: METRIC
            html: <h2><strong>&#10026; Total Products:</strong>&nbsp;<span id="${this}">${value}</span></h2>
            javascript: >-
                            ${this}.onmouseover = function() {
                                ${this}.style.color = "red";
                            ${this}.onmouseout = function() {
                                ${this}.style.color = "black";
            uuid: products
            - functions:
                - source: Quantity
                  function: SUM
Custom Metrics
Figure 23. Custom Metrics

Other variables from the displayer configuration can be used in the code (using ${variable name} template): title, width, height, marginTop, marginBottom, marginRight, marginLeft and bgColor.

5.8. Meter Chart

A special chart is the meter chart. It compares values and shows the percent of the total. To configure the value’s boundaries use the property meter, it supports the following attributes:

  • start: a value to start the meter

  • end: the max value for the meter

  • critical: paints the meter as red if the value is bigger than this parameter

  • warning: paints the meter as orange if the value is bigger than this parameter

For the dataset it accepts two columns: the label and the value. Here’s an example:

- uuid: memory_usage
  content: >-
              ["Server 1", 2512],
              ["Server 2", 1900],
              ["Server 3", 3200],
              ["Server 4", 1200]
    - id: Server
    - id: Usage
      type: NUMBER
- components:
    - properties:
        font-size: xx-large
        text-align: center
        type: METERCHART
            title: "Memory Usage"
                show: true
                position: bottom
            end: 4120
            critical: 3000
            warning: 2000
            uuid: memory_usage
            - columnGroup:
                source: Server
                - source: Server
                - source: Usage
                  function: SUM
Figure 24. Meter

5.9. Map

Map is disabled for ECharts renderer and may be available in later versions.

Dashbuilder provides a Map component to show geographic data. It is country based, so to use it one must provide the country identification, which could be the country name, lat, long or the country code, and provide the value for that country. It has two types: * MAP_MARKERS: which marks the country with bubbles according to the value * MAP_REGIONS: which paints the map according to the value. The only specific configuration for map is color_scheme, which could have the values red, green or blue and it is an attribute of object map. Here’s an example:

- uuid: countries
  content: >-
              ["Brazil", 2512],
              ["USA", 1900],
              ["Italy", 3200],
              ["Russia", 1200],
              ["China", 100],
              ["Australia", 1000],
    - id: Server
    - id: Usage
      type: NUMBER
- components:
    - displayer:
        type: MAP
            color_scheme: blue
            uuid: countries
            - columnGroup:
                source: Server
                - source: Server
                - source: Usage
    - displayer:
        type: MAP
        subtype: MAP_MARKERS
          color_scheme: red
            uuid: countries
            - columnGroup:
                source: Server
                - source: Server
                - source: Usage
Figure 25. Map

5.10. External Components

Dashbuilder also support components built externally. Components have an ID and you can either add its assets to Dashbuilder server under context /dashbuilder/component/{componentId}/ or use a property to point to a remote component:

  - uuid: products
    content: >-
        ["Computers", "Scanner", 5, 3],
        ["Computers", "Printer", 7, 4],
        ["Computers", "Laptop", 3, 2],
        ["Electronics", "Camera", 10, 7],
        ["Electronics", "Headphones", 5, 9]
      - id: Section
      - id: Product
      - id: Quantity
        type: NUMBER
      - id: Quantity2
        type: NUMBER
  - components:
      - displayer:
          component: simplest_component
            name: "John"
            age: "33"
            baseUrl: https://jesuino.github.io/components/
            width: 100%
            height: 600px
            uuid: products

Some components are provided for use with Dashbuilder. Check the documentation for each component to understand how to use it:

  • table: The table external component has a different look and feel and can be used with any dataset.

  - uuid: products
    content: >-
        ["Computers", "Scanner", 5, 3],
        ["Computers", "Printer", 7, 4],
        ["Computers", "Laptop", 3, 2],
        ["Electronics", "Camera", 10, 7],
        ["Electronics", "Headphones", 5, 9]
  - components:
      - displayer:
          component: table
            width: 100%
            uuid: products
  • echarts: ECharts chart. In this component the dataset is transformed to an echarts dataset and the option parameter can be used to provide a JSON object to configure the echart. We also parse the options in YML format to JSON, so some configuration could be done using pure YML. Here’s a sample echart usage:

  - uuid: products
    content: >-
        ["Computers", "Scanner", 5, 3],
        ["Computers", "Printer", 7, 4],
        ["Computers", "Laptop", 3, 2],
        ["Electronics", "Camera", 10, 7],
        ["Electronics", "Headphones", 5, 9]
      - id: Section
      - id: Product
      - id: Quantity
        type: NUMBER
      - id: Quantity2
        type: NUMBER
- components:
    - displayer:
        component: echarts
            option: >-
                        "toolbox": {
                            "feature": {
                                "dataZoom": {},
                                "magicType": {
                                    "type": ["line", "bar", "stack"]
                                "restore": {}
                        "series": [

                                "type": "bar",
                                "markLine": {
                                    "data": [
                                        { "type": "average" }

                                "type": "bar",
                                "markLine": {
                                    "data": [
                                        { "type": "average" }

                text: Products
          width: 100%
          uuid: products
            - columnGroup:
                source: Product
                - source: Product
                - source: Quantity
                - source: Quantity2
  • svg-heatmap: The SVG heatmap allow users to draw heat over any SVG. The provided dataset must have two columns: SVG name or id and a value for the heat. The component can have the parameters size and blur to control the heat appearance:

  - uuid: svg-data
    content: >-
        ["svg_1", 1],
        ["svg_2", 2],
        ["svg_3", 3],
        ["svg_4", 4],
        ["svg_5", 5],
        ["svg_6", 6]
  - components:
      - displayer:
          component: svg-heatmap
            width: 100%
            size: "3"
            blur: "0.9"
            svg: >-
              <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
                <path id="svg_1" d="m23,23l82,0l0,51l-82,0l0,-51z" stroke-width="0" fill="#999999"/>
                <path id="svg_2" d="m133,23l82,0l0,51l-82,0l0,-51z" stroke-width="0" fill="#999999"/>
                <path id="svg_3" d="m240,23l82,0l0,51l-82,0l0,-51z" stroke-width="0" fill="#999999"/>
                <path id="svg_4" d="m350,23l82,0l0,51l-82,0l0,-51z" stroke-width="0" fill="#999999"/>
                <path id="svg_5" d="m461,24l82,0l0,51l-82,0l0,-51z" stroke-width="0" fill="#999999"/>
                <path id="svg_6" d="m566,26l82,0l0,51l-82,0l0,-51z" stroke-width="0" fill="#999999"/>
            uuid: svg-data
  • uniforms: Uniforms is a component that does not use a dataset, but allow users to render forms to post data to a URL. It accepts the parameters uniforms.url, the form URL and the JSON schema for the form generation, uniforms.schema.

  - components:
      - type: EXTERNAL
          height: 500px
          componentId: uniforms
          uniforms.url: http://acme.com
          uniforms.schema: >-
                  "workflowdata": {
                      "title": "Sample Form",
                      "default": { "language": "English", "name": "John" },
                      "type": "object",
                      "properties": {
                             "allowedValues": ["English", "Spanish"]
                         "name", "language"

  • map: Map is a component to show geographic information. It is based on react-simple-map library and accepts different configuration related to the map aspect. The dataset can be the geo name/some key for the geo and a value or three number columns with the latitute, longitude and the value. It can show the data in bubbles or fill the matched geo.

    - uuid: data
      content: >-
                    ["SP", 1],
                    ["RJ", 90],
                    ["MG", 5],
                    ["PA", 50],
                    ["AM", 2],
                    ["RS", 100]
          - id: name
          - id: value
            type: NUMBER
    - components:
          - displayer:
                component: map
                    geoUrl: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sjcdigital/geo-json/main/Brasil.json
                    enableZoom: "true"
                    minZoom: "1"
                    maxZoom: "20"
                    zoom: "2"
                    fill: white
                    background: lightgray
                    strokeWidth: "0.2"
                    zoomCenterLat: "-28.749997"
                    zoomCenterLong: "-47.9499962"
                    fillBegin: lightgreen
                    fillEnd: darkgreen
                    geoKey: "UF"
                    width: 100%
                    height: 800px
                    uuid: data
                        - functions:
                              - source: name
                              - source: value

5.11. Navigation

It is possible to have multiple pages in a single visualization. The pages can be organized in a menu using navigation. When you don’t declare a navigation then a standard menu navigation is used:

    - name: Cats
        - html: <h1> Cats </h1>
    - name: Dogs
        - html: <h1>Dogs</h1>
    - name: Tablets
        - html: <h1>Tablets</h1>
    - name: Laptops
        - html: <h1>Laptops</h1>

The section navTree is responsible for declaring the navigation tree and the navigation groups for the pages is possible to organize the menus in navigation groups. Here’s an example:

    - name: Cats
        - html: <h1> Cats </h1>
    - name: Dogs
        - html: <h1>Dogs</h1>
    - name: Tablets
        - html: <h1>Tablets</h1>
    - name: Laptops
        - html: <h1>Laptops</h1>
  - type: GROUP
    name: Animals
    - page: Cats
    - page: Dogs
  - type: GROUP
    name: Electronics
    - page: Tablets
    - page: Laptops

Navigation is an optional component and it is about the relationship between pages. When you have more than one page then a menu is displayed with all pages, you can organize this menu. Furthermore, navigation is the key for embedding pages inside each other.

To show a default page just name it as index and it will be displayed by default, otherwise the default Dashbuilder page will be displayed.

5.12. Navigation Components

It is possible to embed pages using navigation groups. To do so Dashbuilder provides navigation components.

  • TILES: Displays the navigation group pages in tiles;

  • CAROUSEL: Displays the pages in a carousel;

  • TREE: Displays a tree with the pages. It requires a target DIV;

  • MENU: Displays a menu with the pages. It requires a target DIV;

  • TABS: Displays tabs with the pages. It requires a target DIV;

  • SCREEN: A component that shows other page. Uses it with: screen: embedPageName;

  • PANEL: A component that shows other page in a collapsible panel. Uses it with: panel: embedPageName

  • DIV: A div that shows the content for TREE, MENU and TABS components.

A property called navGroupId should be set to point to the same groupId declared in navigation. For components that require a div, then a DIV component should be placed on the page and the div ID should be referenced using the property divId. Here’s an example of navigation components:

    - name: Embed
          - html: This page was embedded using <strong>screen</strong> component
    - name: Panel
          - html: This page was embedded using <strong>panel</strong> component
    - name: Cats
        - html: <h1> Cats </h1>
    - name: Dogs
        - html: <h1>Dogs</h1>
    - name: index
        margin-left: 10px
        - columns:
          - components:
            - type: TILES  # try CAROUSEL
                navGroupId: animals_group
        - columns:
          - components:
            - type: TABS  # try MENU or TREE
                navGroupId: animals_group
                targetDivId: animals_div
            - type: DIV
                divId: animals_div
            - screen: Embed
            - panel: Panel
  - id: animals_group
    type: GROUP
    name: Animals
    - page: Cats
    - page: Dogs
Navigation Components
Figure 26. Navigation Components

5.13. Properties

The goal of properties is to make it easier to reuse YAML definitions and let users only customize certain parts of the document. Properties can be declared with a value and later references using ${PROPERTY NAME}.

Be careful when using ${} to avoid conflicts with Metric templates.

Properties are meant to be used only with field values. Here’s an example:

    My Property: <h1>Hello Properties</h1>
    - name: Cats
        - html: ${My Property}

When running on Dashbuilder you can also override the properties using query parameters. In the example above My Property could be changed using http://my.dashbuilder?My Property=New Property value.

5.14. Global

Global section was added in 0.26.0 version and it allows users to change the dashboard default mode to dark and declare a global settings for all displayers on the page or a global setting for all dataset or a global dataset:

  mode: dark
    content: >-
          ["A", 1],
          ["B", 2]
      title: Common Title
  - uuid: test

  - rows:
      - columns:
          - span: 6
              - displayer:
                  type: BARCHART
                    uuid: test
          - span: 6
              - displayer:
                  type: LINECHART
                    uuid: test
Dark Mode
Figure 27. Dark Mode

The supported global properties are:

  • allowUrlProperties: When true then properties can be replaced using URL query parameters.

  • mode: Changes the dashboard style. Can be dark or light. Default value is light.

  • settings/displayer: Allow the users to define a common configuration for all displayers in the page.

  • dataset: Allow the users to define a common configuration for all displayers in the page.

6. Monitoring Services with Dashbuilder

In this section we will explore how Dashbuilder can be used to monitor different aspect of services.

6.1. Prometheus

Prometheus is a popular monitoring and timeseries database tool. Dashbuilder can connect to its Query HTTP API and execute queries to retrieve information that can be displayed in timeseries or other visual components.

The requirements to consume data from Prometheus in Dashbuilder are:

  • Make sure that CORS is enabled for the Dashbuilder host, otherwise it won’t be able to retrieve data;

  • Use a dataset with type prometheus for Dashbuilder 0.29.0 and later versions. See an example:

    - uuid: prometheus
      type: prometheus
      url: http://localhost:9090/api/v1/query?query=up

    - components:
          - settings:
                    uuid: prometheus

This expression will get the response and transform in a dataset that will contain the columns timestamp, value and the additional labels. With this information you can use a timeseries component to monitor some metric.

As an example, we can monitor a Quarkus application JVM usage by following the steps below:

  • Add Micrometer to your project

  • Download and configure Prometheus to scrap metrics from your application. Here’s a sample configuration you should add to prometheus.yml:

  - job_name: 'quarkus'
    scrape_interval: 1s
    metrics_path: /q/metrics
      - targets: ['localhost:8080']
  • Now use Dashbuilder online editor, create a new Dashboard. For example, the following dashboard shows a timeseries for the JVM Heap usage for the last hour. The data is updated each 5 seconds:

    prometheusUrl: http://localhost:9090
    - uuid: prometheus
      type: prometheus
      url: ${prometheusUrl}/api/v1/query
          query: jvm_memory_used_bytes{area="heap"}[1h:5s]
    - components:
          - settings:
                type: TIMESERIES
                    resizable: true
                    interval: 5
                    title: JVM Memory (Used Heap)
                    uuid: prometheus
                        - functions:
                              - source: id
                              - source: timestamp
                              - source: value
JVM Monitoring with Prometheus
Figure 28. JVM Monitoring with Prometheus

6.2. Metrics

Services monitored by Prometheus have to expose its metrics in a text format. Prometheus then read these metrics to store in its timeseries database. Dashbuilder can be used to connect directly to the metrics endpoint and build visualizations using it.

As an example, an application Quarkus with micrometer will expose metrics on url /q/metrics with the following format:

# HELP process_start_time_seconds Start time of the process since unix epoch.
# TYPE process_start_time_seconds gauge
process_start_time_seconds 1.684330722622E9
# HELP jvm_threads_live_threads The current number of live threads including both daemon and non-daemon threads
# TYPE jvm_threads_live_threads gauge
jvm_threads_live_threads 26.0
# HELP process_files_max_files The maximum file descriptor count
# TYPE process_files_max_files gauge
process_files_max_files 100000.0
# HELP jvm_memory_max_bytes The maximum amount of memory in bytes that can be used for memory management
# TYPE jvm_memory_max_bytes gauge
jvm_memory_max_bytes{area="heap",id="G1 Survivor Space",} -1.0
jvm_memory_max_bytes{area="heap",id="G1 Old Gen",} 8.350859264E9
jvm_memory_max_bytes{area="nonheap",id="Metaspace",} -1.0
jvm_memory_max_bytes{area="nonheap",id="CodeCache",} 5.0331648E7
jvm_memory_max_bytes{area="heap",id="G1 Eden Space",} -1.0
jvm_memory_max_bytes{area="nonheap",id="Compressed Class Space",} 1.073741824E9
# HELP jvm_threads_states_threads The current number of threads
# TYPE jvm_threads_states_threads gauge
jvm_threads_states_threads{state="runnable",} 11.0
jvm_threads_states_threads{state="blocked",} 0.0
jvm_threads_states_threads{state="waiting",} 11.0
jvm_threads_states_threads{state="timed-waiting",} 4.0
jvm_threads_states_threads{state="new",} 0.0
jvm_threads_states_threads{state="terminated",} 0.0
# HELP process_cpu_usage The "recent cpu usage" for the Java Virtual Machine process

It is possible to declare a dataset pointing to this URL and Dashbuilder automatically parses it to a dataset with three columns: metric, labels and value:

  - uuid: metrics
    url: http://localhost:8080/q/metrics
    - components:
        - settings:
              uuid: metrics
Metrics Table
Figure 29. Metrics Table

From this dataset you can monitor each metric you want either by filtering metrics using an expression or defining filters on the displayer lookup. In the following example we want to monitor the metric jvm_memory_used_bytes, but only the heap area

    - uuid: metrics
      url: http://localhost:8080/q/metrics
    - components:
          - settings:
                type: BARCHART

                    title: Heap Memory Used Bytes (kb)
                    - id: value
                      pattern: "#"
                      expression: value / 1024
                    - id: labels
                      expression: value.replace('area="heap",id=', "")
                                       .replaceAll('"', "")
                    uuid: metrics
                        - function: EQUALS_TO
                          column: metric
                              - jvm_memory_used_bytes
                        - function: LIKE_TO
                          column: labels
                              - '%"heap"%'
                        - columnGroup:
                              source: labels
                              - source: labels
                              - source: value
Heap Memory Used Bytes
Figure 30. Heap Memory Used Bytes

Finally you can make the visualization update automatically using a refresh interval and also accumulate values in memory using the accumulate flag in dataset declaration. This way you keep a history of the events and can use a timeseries to visualize the data, here’s an example:

            interval: 2
    - uuid: metrics
      url: http://localhost:8080/q/metrics
      accumulate: true
      cacheMaxRows: 30000
      expression: >-
          $map($, function($v){
              [$v[0], $v[1], $v[2] = 'NaN' ? -1 : $v[2], $now() ~> $toMillis()]
          - id: metric
            type: label
          - id: labels
            type: label
          - id: value
            type: number
          - id: register
            type: label
    - components:
          - settings:
                component: timeseries
                        text: Heap Memory Usage
                    uuid: metrics
                        - column: metric
                          function: EQUALS_TO
                              - jvm_memory_used_bytes
                        - column: labels
                          function: LIKE_TO
                              - '%area="heap"%'
                        - columnGroup:
                              source: register
                              - source: metric
                              - source: register
                              - source: value
                                function: SUM
Heap Memory Used Bytes
Figure 31. Heap Memory Used Bytes

You can check our samples repository for more metrics monitoring examples.